Chris Wrate | Kelsea Ballerini

Russell Dickerson

Jared Martin | Niko Moon

Zach Willams

Chris Young | Russell Dickerson

Kevin Whitset | Russell Dickerson

Kellen Mills | Russell Dickerson

Abner Ramirez | Johnny Swim

Stu G. | Michael W. Smith

Agam Timor | Barns Courtney

Josh Weathers

Nick Mayer | Zach Williams
Michael Pope | Independent

Jonathan Berlin | Johnny Swimm

Gideon Boley | Cash Campbell

David Hislop | Bethel Music

Andy Davis | Jeremy Camp

Toby Friesen | Jeremy Camp

Michael Scheuchzer | MercyMe

Blaine Reedy | Mandisa

Justin Eason | Cassadee Pope

Barry Graul | Mercy Me

Robbie Gatlin | Dylan Scott

Justin Loose | Hardy

Scott Mills | Colony House

Tim Hawkins

Blake Riley | Lovely The Band

Josh Mix | Casting Crowns

Nick Talbott | Talbott Brothers

Tyler Talbott | Talbott Brothers

Micha Nichols | NEEDTOBREATH
Eric Lemiere | Phil Wickham / Others

Jonathan Lee | Bethal Music

Jordan Lav | Jordan Feliz

Patrick Thompson | Rend Collective

Alexander Pappas | Hillsong Young and Free

Jamey Ice | Green River Ordinance

Alex Strabala | Lovely The Band

David Ditrich | Colton Dixon

Kevin Bean | Cash Campbell

Chason Ford | Brain & Katie Torwalt

Bobby Strand | Independent

Jonny Bird | Martin Smith

Park Cotrell | Colony House

Neil Perry | The Band Perry

Kevin Rooney | Rascal Flatts

Ben Olisa | Britt Nicole

Josh Anderson | Lovey James