Veritas Order Forms

The Veritas Custom Shop represents our highest level of hand-made custom guitars.  The luthiers in the Veritas Custom Shop are among the finest in the world, with a passion for detail that blends the highest performance with the best artistic craftsmanship in musical instrument design.

We at Veritas Custom Guitars want to give you everything you need to make personalizing a custom guitar fast and easy. Click the Start Building button to open the custom order form and choose from every imaginable combination of guitar design options. Then submit the order form for a price quote.

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6 In Line


Six In line

Our Six In Line Models are:


Double Cut Portlander

Mini Master

Texas Miracle




Three By Three

Our Three By Three Models are:

Five O Three

Small body Five O Three

Three Six O

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Our Bass Models are:

TM-Bass (Texas Miracle bass)

V-Bass (Double cut bass)